
The Stooges divide crowd in their debut New York performance

The Stooges made their first New York appearance last Friday and Saturday night, performing at the Pavilion in Flushing Meadow Park in Queens. The band from Ann Arbour, Michigan recently released their self-titled debut album, produced by John Cale of The Velvet Underground.

According to Mike Jahn, a journalist from The New York Times who was in attendance,

"Iggy appeared onstage wearing only sneakers and dungarees cut down to shorts. Iggy, who was a high school valedictorian back home, seeks to represent the malaise of the long-haired, teen-age American radical. His songs speak of "No Fun," or "Nothing To Do."

He goes through simple but tortured gymnastics built around a Midas-like ability to turn everything he touches into a phallic object. He caresses himself, he rolls and squirms.

The audience reacted predictably. Some seemed fascinated, if only for the same reasons that drive mobs to yell "jump!" at a potential suicide standing on a ledge. Others reacted with contempt, throwing containers of orange drink at the wriggling performer."

Listen to The Stooges debut album below via Spotify or Apple Music.