
​From Dylan to Kanye: The fundamentally changed “voice of a generation” concept - Part One


April 26th, 1965: ​From Dylan to Kanye: The fundamentally changed “voice of a generation” concept - Part One

It’s a curious thing that in 2015, a man who embodies what is surely the antithesis of 1960s Bob Dylan has come to represent what we might call “the voice of this generation”.

Jack White performs Otis Redding classic for it's 50th anniversary.


April 19th, 1965: Jack White performs Otis Redding classic for it's 50th anniversary.

On the 11th April 2015, Jack White performed at the Coachella Music Festival in California. This event alone doesn't warrant an article on gaslightrecords.com given the '50 years ago' premise of our

The Cash & Dylan Show


March 27th, 1965: The Cash & Dylan Show

In March 1965, Johnny Cash released his 21st studio album, Orange Blossom Special, which notably included 3 songs by the then 24 year old Bob Dylan.

Kanye, I’ma let you finish . . . But Bob Dylan made the best video of all time


March 22nd, 1965: Kanye, I’ma let you finish . . . But Bob Dylan made the best video of all time

Dylan recorded “Subterranean Homesick Blues” on January 14, 1965, in Columbia Records’ Studio A on Seventh Avenue, NYC.

Rolling Stones fined for public urination


March 19th, 1965: Rolling Stones fined for public urination

​March 18th, 1965: Mick Jagger, Brian Jones and Bill Wyman were fined five pounds each for urinating on the outer wall of a London gas station.

The Temptations take Motown Label to number one


March 7th, 1965: The Temptations take Motown Label to number one

​We're not too concerned with chart success here at Gaslight Records because, as we all know, it often stands less for quality as it does for novelty; and again.

Our Top 10 of Dylan's 'Girl From The North Country'


March 2nd, 1965: Our Top 10 of Dylan's "Girl From The North Country"

In December of 1962, a twenty-one-year-old Bob Dylan crossed the Atlantic Ocean where he became exposed to traditional English folk music. He was working on material for his new album, The Freewheelin

David Bowie and Jimmy Page go way back


February 26th, 1965: David Bowie and Jimmy Page go way back

​On January 15, 1965, David Bowie recorded as the singer for London group the Manish Boys.

The Beatles begin work on a new film


February 24th, 1965: The Beatles begin work on a new film

On February 24, 1965, The Beatles began shooting on their second film titled Help!

Brian Wilson suffers nervous breakdown, abandons touring.


February 20th, 1965: Brian Wilson suffers nervous breakdown, abandons touring.

​On board a flight from L.A. to Houston on December 23, 1964, Brian Wilson suffered a nervous breakdown that would prevent him from touring with The Beach Boys until 1983.

50 Years on stage for Neil Young


February 12th, 1963: 50 Years on stage for Neil Young

​As of a few days ago, 01 Feb to be exact, Neil Young has been playing shows for 50 years!

From Zimmerman To Dylan


August 2nd, 1962: From Zimmerman To Dylan

​On this day 50 years ago Robert Allen Zimmerman officially changed his name to Bob Dylan.

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