
Joan Baez played Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" at the Big Sur Festival over the weekend

Joan Baez was one of the founders of the original Big Sur Folk Festival in 1964, initially creating it as a songwriting workshop. She has performed at the festival every year since.

Watch below Joan Baez performs Bob Dylan's "I Shall Be Released" at this year's event. Dylan's song is as yet unreleased, although it appeared on the unofficial bootleg album in July, The Great White Wonder. The song was written/recorded by Dylan and The Band sometime in 1967 in the basement of Big Pink in Woodstock, NY.

Listen below to Dylan's rough version of "I Shall Be Released", recorded with The Band.

Watch below a concertgoer singing an impromptu song at the festival over the weekend explaining why he decided to come along. "We came on up the road because we heard that Mr. Dylan might show up here. And Joan Baez is worth coming to hear any day."